Firefox sometimes truncated my tabs in hilarious ways.
Uh.... NSFL
I may buy this....
It is just bizarre, I don't even know. Would you hang this on your wall or use this as a coat hanger...
It is just bizarre, I don't even know. Would you hang this on your wall or use this as a coat hanger...
Why I Hate The Donut Place.
So I go to this place where can purchase a donut and dip it in a beverage most days before work. It is nice, I get my coffee, some type of breakfast food and eat it during my commute. I've never worked in fast food so maybe I don't understand it, but they apparently don't really know who is there or something. I won't even be at the speaker/mic thing and the person will be asking for my order. I'm not going to shout my order 10 feet away. I see they have a camera, they must have some sensor thing or something. If there is more than 3 cars in queue the 4th car is not yet at the microphone box so just chill out for a sec. It makes me so angry.
Dinosaur Friday - Vol 3
I decided this was THE place to go for my birthday. I went to museums, bars, bars bars, bars, arcade, bars, waterfall, bars, museum, waterfall, bars, behind the waterfall, bars, bars, a boat, bars, bars, DINOSAUR MINI-GOLF.
I found this.
A dinosaur mini-golf.
For those of you not aware of Niagara Falls, you drive there from America, it is fairly uninteresting. Then you get there. On the American side there is a bunch of neat views and hikes you can do. Wow. Then you go to Canada, and it is like LAS VEGAS. They have casinos, huge hotels, museums, weird things, and so much more (ie, Dinosaur Mini-Golf).
WTF is dinosaur mini-golf. I don't know.
Here is pics of me and my wife with dinosaurs. Done.
No Words
Truth: I was looking for an image of a pen on the floor (this will make sense in a later post I have an idea for, just wait it out please).
In my search, I came across this...
I don't even know, but why is this posted under "Good things about having kids"?
Full Post Found At :
In my search, I came across this...
I don't even know, but why is this posted under "Good things about having kids"?
Full Post Found At :
I'd like to define reflection as the following: duplicate, flip vertically, overlay gradient, fade. This is what wikipedia calls is...
No big deal. I found this ad.
I don't get the logo, it just looks weird to me. Almost as if someone was drunk when designing it. The "o" should be under the other "o" and the "h" under the "h" just sayin'.
(in a plane) the replacement of each point on one side of a line by the point symmetrically placed on the other side of the line.
No big deal. I found this ad.
See bottom left "logo"
I don't get the logo, it just looks weird to me. Almost as if someone was drunk when designing it. The "o" should be under the other "o" and the "h" under the "h" just sayin'.
Facebook Knows All
So you start your day with a quick Google search specifically tailored to your interests. Then you and have a redbull and vodka or some other semi-douchey beverage. Then you go on facebook to tell your friends how you just had a vodka and rebull and how they should have been there. But wait, WTF facebook how do you know my interests so well.
Its because facebook knows everything about you, including your relationship status and sexual preferences.
Be sure to uncheck this preference in your privacy settings.
Good Luck Happy Browsing.
Its because facebook knows everything about you, including your relationship status and sexual preferences.
Be sure to uncheck this preference in your privacy settings.
Good Luck Happy Browsing.
Shades of Death
New Jersey is one of the weirdest places you could ever go in your life. It is essentially the cornerstone of oddness, in fact there is an entire magazine devoted to it, Weird New Jersey. If you've ever once picked up this magazine you've seen stories of Shades of Death Road. If you haven't here is a brief overview via wikipedia
Shades Of Death Road, sometimes referred to locally as just "Shades", is a two-lane rural road of about 7 miles (11.2 km) in length in central Warren County, New Jersey. It runs in a generally north-south direction through Liberty and Independence townships, then turns more east-west in Allamuchy Township north of the Interstate 80 crossing. South of I-80 it runs alongside Jenny Jump State Forest and offers access to it at several points.[1]
Several explanations have been given for the road's macabre name, none of which has ever been conclusively established. It has given rise to many local legends about ghosts and other paranormal activity along the road, many of which have been documented in Weird NJstreet sign (pictured) at the road’s southern end with grease or oil to prevent theft[2] magazine and the accompanying book. These in turn have drawn more visitors to the area, to the infrequent annoyance of residents, who have in the past gone so far as to smear the pole holding the (Other signs along the road are in vertical type on poles and thus harder to remove and less desirable to display).
In any case, this is where a new dimension begins. If you look closely on Google Maps you'll see what I mean.
WTF Digg?
I don't get it! Digg got $40 million in capital investments to start. I understand Digg is a big deal and revolutionized the way social media and news co-habitate. But 40 MILLION DOLLARS?! Really?
This is my rough semi-educated guess on start up costs:
Labor (quit your day job and work on digg development): $450,000
Administrative Costs (Computers, workspace, etc): $100,000
Server Space (even though they could have remotely hosted, lets say they had dedicated in house servers, including anticipated bandwidth): $75,000
Advertising: $20,000 (its mostly online, sure maybe Conde Nast, WIRED)
Miscellaneous Costs: $150,000 (paper, I dunno)
I must be missing so much, especially since I could start a Digg clone for the cost of my own personal time and hosting, which would cost under $5,000...
Just saying...
This is my rough semi-educated guess on start up costs:
Labor (quit your day job and work on digg development): $450,000
Administrative Costs (Computers, workspace, etc): $100,000
Server Space (even though they could have remotely hosted, lets say they had dedicated in house servers, including anticipated bandwidth): $75,000
Advertising: $20,000 (its mostly online, sure maybe Conde Nast, WIRED)
Miscellaneous Costs: $150,000 (paper, I dunno)
Total: $795,000
I must be missing so much, especially since I could start a Digg clone for the cost of my own personal time and hosting, which would cost under $5,000...
Just saying...
Unemployed Buffalo Make No Cents
This is a really big problem. Not just in America but all over the world. Buffalo are becoming unemployed at an alarming rate. I spoke with a buffalo just the other day and he mentioned "Times are really tough out there, I mean I'm home, home, home on the range. It's like all day I see those deer and antelopes just running around being idiots. I don't see them looking for work. I go out everyday looking to be gainfully employed, nothing".
Just by reading my blog you're already part of the solution.
Just by reading my blog you're already part of the solution.
Five of Mayo (Cinco De Mayo)
(If you are too lazy to read this and be hardcore entertained and feel more educated I've highlighted the key points here for you...They're in orange if you can't tell, duh.)
Some people think that Cinco De Mayo is the Mexican independence day, FALSE (that's in September). Other misconceptions include: The day Santo Patrico drove the snakes out of Juarez, the birth of Jesus, the invention of the microchip, and many others too outlandish to mention.
It all started on a rainy December Monday. A middle aged man was bored and very hungry. He walked into his kitchen and began to forage for food. He quickly came to the conclusion he was short supplied and decided to make a bread sandwich. He quickly began to consume the sandwich and thought to himself “This is dry as hell, I need to get this sandwich on the fast track to tasty-town”. The man grabbed a butter knife, a can of mayonnaise and generously lathered the bread with mayonnaise.
A storm was quickly moving in and the man had no idea what to do because he left his dog Roberto outside with his 15 birds. Roberto would be fine but he was very worried about the birds, three of which had just been born. The man quickly ran outside to get the birds, the wind started to pick up and blow the bird cages around furiously. Luckily he had arrived just in time and was able to successfully migrate the birds inside.
The rain started to pick up and out of nowhere a Ninja showed up at his door. The Ninja was soaked from the rain and nicely asked if he could come inside to dry off, the man obliged. The Ninja began to explain the story of his travels. The Ninja arrived in Mexico a few days prior and was visiting his family, he explained that he grew up just a few miles away. In the midst of his story a small compact car pulled up. Roughly a dozen Mexican soldiers jumped out of the car and went into the man’s garden. They were looking for one thing and one thing only. The most potent Blue Agave plant ever made. The owner was a world renowned horticulturist and had made this special plant for his friend Jose who distilled this plant into the most prized tequila in all of the country. The man and the Ninja went outside armed to the teeth with Ninja swords, Ninja Stars, and a very realistic looking gun which the man acquired at an auction. The gun was used in a movie depicting the battle at the Alamo and was worth a significant amount of money. A few years back the man was involved in a dispute at a neighbors house and coincidentally had this gun in his truck, he wielded the weapon and scared the neighbor three quarters to death. They’ve since gotten on this and can joke about it over a few drinks but you can tell there is still some animosity between the two gentlemen, especially since the neighbor was punked by a fake weapon.
They began to approach the Mexican soldiers. The Ninja began to yell at the soldiers in a bizarre Spanish/Japanese hybrid language. Puzzled by the linguistics of the Ninja the soldiers began to dance to the music on the radio, they danced in a style known as Gnuepertolito, a style of dance which a known tactic of gorilla warfare. The Ninja was not fooled by this and swiftly removed his sword from his sheath. The soldiers were horrified and began to retreat. The man and the Ninja were overwhelmed with joy. The captain of the Mexican soldiers tried to start their vehicle to no avail. The soldiers all began to cry as the Ninja yelled expletives at them in their native Spanish language.
As quickly as the storm came it, it dissipated. As the fog and mist began to lift the group saw a strange figure slowly approaching them in the distance. The figure continued to become more defined, one of the soldiers recognized the figure as a known vampire of the region. The soldier was clearly incorrect, the figure was the property owner’s wife, she was very pale skinned woman and drank a copious amount of red wine on a daily basis, she was frequently mis-identified as such. She walked over to the group of men and asked her husband what was going on. He explained to her that the soldiers were looking for something they had lost in the area. She asked what they had lost and the husband quickly responded with “A rare hermaphrodite snail”, she quickly became angry and yelled at him because this was his answer to almost everything.
Although being angry at her husband she invited everyone inside for a drink. She offered everyone a glass of red wine and went in the kitchen to prepare some impromptu snacks. A tornado came and the whole town was destroyed. They had nothing to eat for five days except bread and mayonnaise. After the five days they were fine and called the day Five of Mayo (Cinco De Mayo in Spanish). The Captain of the soldiers later went on to become a General and the then President of the country. Once he gained power of the country he let the power go to his head rather quickly, he acted very tyrannical. He decided he would make May 5th a national holiday due to his life changing survival experience.
The Ninja went on to lead a healthy and productive life, as did everyone else. They are still friends to this day. Although over the years they have lost touch, the Ninja and the property owner barely speak, one time the Ninja was in a bit of a bind (literally he was tied up and held in prison) and called the homeowner to bail him, naturally the man helped out his friend, no one really speaks. One of the soldiers had a child and did not mention it to the other men, they were at church one day and two of the soldiers ran into each other, the child now 10 at the time, needless to say he was upset with the other soldier for his lack of communication, but he understood and they sat next to one another at the church service.
Some people think that Cinco De Mayo is the Mexican independence day, FALSE (that's in September). Other misconceptions include: The day Santo Patrico drove the snakes out of Juarez, the birth of Jesus, the invention of the microchip, and many others too outlandish to mention.
It all started on a rainy December Monday. A middle aged man was bored and very hungry. He walked into his kitchen and began to forage for food. He quickly came to the conclusion he was short supplied and decided to make a bread sandwich. He quickly began to consume the sandwich and thought to himself “This is dry as hell, I need to get this sandwich on the fast track to tasty-town”. The man grabbed a butter knife, a can of mayonnaise and generously lathered the bread with mayonnaise.
A storm was quickly moving in and the man had no idea what to do because he left his dog Roberto outside with his 15 birds. Roberto would be fine but he was very worried about the birds, three of which had just been born. The man quickly ran outside to get the birds, the wind started to pick up and blow the bird cages around furiously. Luckily he had arrived just in time and was able to successfully migrate the birds inside.
The rain started to pick up and out of nowhere a Ninja showed up at his door. The Ninja was soaked from the rain and nicely asked if he could come inside to dry off, the man obliged. The Ninja began to explain the story of his travels. The Ninja arrived in Mexico a few days prior and was visiting his family, he explained that he grew up just a few miles away. In the midst of his story a small compact car pulled up. Roughly a dozen Mexican soldiers jumped out of the car and went into the man’s garden. They were looking for one thing and one thing only. The most potent Blue Agave plant ever made. The owner was a world renowned horticulturist and had made this special plant for his friend Jose who distilled this plant into the most prized tequila in all of the country. The man and the Ninja went outside armed to the teeth with Ninja swords, Ninja Stars, and a very realistic looking gun which the man acquired at an auction. The gun was used in a movie depicting the battle at the Alamo and was worth a significant amount of money. A few years back the man was involved in a dispute at a neighbors house and coincidentally had this gun in his truck, he wielded the weapon and scared the neighbor three quarters to death. They’ve since gotten on this and can joke about it over a few drinks but you can tell there is still some animosity between the two gentlemen, especially since the neighbor was punked by a fake weapon.
They began to approach the Mexican soldiers. The Ninja began to yell at the soldiers in a bizarre Spanish/Japanese hybrid language. Puzzled by the linguistics of the Ninja the soldiers began to dance to the music on the radio, they danced in a style known as Gnuepertolito, a style of dance which a known tactic of gorilla warfare. The Ninja was not fooled by this and swiftly removed his sword from his sheath. The soldiers were horrified and began to retreat. The man and the Ninja were overwhelmed with joy. The captain of the Mexican soldiers tried to start their vehicle to no avail. The soldiers all began to cry as the Ninja yelled expletives at them in their native Spanish language.
As quickly as the storm came it, it dissipated. As the fog and mist began to lift the group saw a strange figure slowly approaching them in the distance. The figure continued to become more defined, one of the soldiers recognized the figure as a known vampire of the region. The soldier was clearly incorrect, the figure was the property owner’s wife, she was very pale skinned woman and drank a copious amount of red wine on a daily basis, she was frequently mis-identified as such. She walked over to the group of men and asked her husband what was going on. He explained to her that the soldiers were looking for something they had lost in the area. She asked what they had lost and the husband quickly responded with “A rare hermaphrodite snail”, she quickly became angry and yelled at him because this was his answer to almost everything.
Although being angry at her husband she invited everyone inside for a drink. She offered everyone a glass of red wine and went in the kitchen to prepare some impromptu snacks. A tornado came and the whole town was destroyed. They had nothing to eat for five days except bread and mayonnaise. After the five days they were fine and called the day Five of Mayo (Cinco De Mayo in Spanish). The Captain of the soldiers later went on to become a General and the then President of the country. Once he gained power of the country he let the power go to his head rather quickly, he acted very tyrannical. He decided he would make May 5th a national holiday due to his life changing survival experience.
The Ninja went on to lead a healthy and productive life, as did everyone else. They are still friends to this day. Although over the years they have lost touch, the Ninja and the property owner barely speak, one time the Ninja was in a bit of a bind (literally he was tied up and held in prison) and called the homeowner to bail him, naturally the man helped out his friend, no one really speaks. One of the soldiers had a child and did not mention it to the other men, they were at church one day and two of the soldiers ran into each other, the child now 10 at the time, needless to say he was upset with the other soldier for his lack of communication, but he understood and they sat next to one another at the church service.
Cinco de mayo.
Cinco De Mayo,
8:18 PM

Why are you so creepy autosuggest?
Just trying to do a search no big deal. I really just wanted to know how to remove a header, I really didn't kill anyone. Although, if I did (accident or not) I probably wouldn't Google search how to remove the evidence, just saying.
Cat Business Trip
I rarely ever get to see Sebastian because of his dedication to his job. He works in the import/export business. Initially he focused on the imports mostly catnip and catnip cigars, but now he is working on exporting organic cat treats.

This is going to be an exciting adventure, like playing on the playground and digging endless holes hoping for just one short glimpse at China, or discovering new minerals. Dinosaurs are neat, but are they really fact? False. Dinosaurs are more than neat, and are fact. In any case, this will be an exciting adventure (see above), exploring the common needs of prehistoric species (false), sharks (kinda false), bears (true), modern technology (true), web development/design (very true), birch trees (false), odd marital relations (true), and a lot of other cool/neat/awesome/raisiny things.
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