I decided this was THE place to go for my birthday. I went to museums, bars, bars bars, bars, arcade, bars, waterfall, bars, museum, waterfall, bars, behind the waterfall, bars, bars, a boat, bars, bars, DINOSAUR MINI-GOLF.
I found this.
A dinosaur mini-golf.
For those of you not aware of Niagara Falls, you drive there from America, it is fairly uninteresting. Then you get there. On the American side there is a bunch of neat views and hikes you can do. Wow. Then you go to Canada, and it is like LAS VEGAS. They have casinos, huge hotels, museums, weird things, and so much more (ie, Dinosaur Mini-Golf).
WTF is dinosaur mini-golf. I don't know.
Here is pics of me and my wife with dinosaurs. Done.
I guess they play mini-golf because they need a break from fossil fuels, cause it is kinda getting a big rep right now.