Just a "person" here who has cats, a wife, enjoys gadgets, is a total nerd but absolutely knows nothing about nerdness. I don't play games, I don't know movies, I don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings, I haven't even seen Star Wars... disclaimer /end
I bet at least 3 people are wondering where that photo in the header of this blog came from. Its from Belize, I was in a bus and saw a hugeasauris-rex so I snapped a picture (mostly true). I then added the name of the the blog in Adobe Fireworks (best web graphics tool ever, way under rated, just saying).
If you have weird things you want to say, please do, comment on the blog. Leave your blog URL and I'll visit your blog and if it isn't better than mine I'll probably comment on it.
Also, I highlight the key points in my posts in orange, because you peruse (see above) the internet, you don't read this stuff like a novel.